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“It is so heart warming to see the growth my son has made through music. My son has difficulty relating and interacting with his peers but music engages and helps him to do this and so much more.”

Barbara, mother 

“My daughter has no communicative language but when she’s engaged in music she’s actively singing and seeking out words within familiar songs. Music has helped her find her own voice.” 

Angelica, mother

“It is amazing to see the growth and progress my clients have made with the addition of music therapy. Children who have no receptive or communicative language were singing songs in full while requesting song preferences. This communication skill transitioned right into the classroom and have helped increase the children’s speech production, attention to task and ability to follow directions toward achieving goals.”

Local speech therapist

“My mother has advanced dementia and music has brought so much joy and quality of life for her. It has been amazing to see her connect and have meaningful interactions with her therapist, friends and family.”

Tina, daughter

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